Hello! in this post actually I'm going to share about one of English materials in school. For notes, this materials only for the basics learner like primary students (as it's one of P3 English materials).
It regards to subject pronoun. But first, let's review again about the pronoun. Pronoun used to replace the noun. The noun here absolutely can be person, things, place, animal, or plants. Next, subject pronoun. Subject pronoun used to replace noun grammatically in the subject only. Here are some examples of subject pronoun.
- I
- We
- They
- She
- He
- It
Why should we use subject pronoun instead of the noun itself? Well, just imagine how come we only use the name of the person (real noun) in all text from beginning until ending? As the function of subject pronoun is to replace noun.
How to use the subject pronoun? read the explanation as follows.
- I = Subject pronoun "I" is used to replace "me", "himself", "herself". This subject pronoun is singular subject. Different with Bahasa Indonesia, English usually used "I" to mention "me", "himself", "herself" instead of saying their own name. Example : (a) Hansa said "Hansa likes mangoes and grapes". The sentence (a) shouldn't be accepted, because Hansa mentioned herself as Hansa. It should be (b) Hansa said "I like mangoes and grapes".
- We = Subject pronoun "We" is used to replace people (more than one), and for the person who write/say the sentence will be included (when you say "we", it means you're included). This subject pronoun is plural subject. Example : (a) Tasya, Hansa, and I were playing dolls an hour ago. The subject in sentence (a) can be replaced with subject pronoun "we" as follows; (b) We were playing dolls an hour ago.
- They = Subject pronoun "They" is used to replace people or things (more than one), which person that write/say the sentence will not be included (when you say "they", it means you're absolutely not included). "They" is plural subject. Example : (a) Ahmed, Kevin, and Nicholas are having lunch right now. The subject in sentence (a) can be replaced with "they", as the person who write/say the sentence is not included. So sentence (a) can be changed as follows; (b) They are having lunch right now.
- She = Subject pronoun "She" is used to replace someone, which is girl/women. It is singular subject.
- He = Subject pronoun "He" is used to replace someone, which is boy/men. This subject pronoun is singular subject.
- It = Subject pronoun "It" is used to replace thing, animal, and plant. This subject pronoun is singular subject, so "it" only refers to one thing/animal/plant.
Do we miss other subject pronoun? where is the "you"? In subject pronoun, the word "you" is not included. We will still use "you" instead of the name of the person in the subject noun. Name of the person as subject noun will be used as the third person, while "you" is the second person. That's why, the subject pronoun of "you" will be still "you", no changes at all. Read the example below.
- Kevin said, "You are so good in Mathematics, Ahmed."
- Kevin said, "Ahmed, you are so good in Mathematics."
- Kevin said, "Ahmed is so good in Mathematics."
We found sentence (1) in common. Of course, Kevin use "you" as he talked to Ahmed and gave him compliment. In sentence (1), Ahmed as the second person, therefore Kevin use "you" as the subject noun instead of Ahmed.
In sentence (2), Kevin still use "you" as the subject noun, while the "Ahmed" only works as the information of the subject or Kevin only use "Ahmed" as he called him. "Ahmed" here will not be considered as the subject noun.
Well, sentence (3) will be accepted only if Kevin talked to another person except Ahmed. "Ahmed" here considered as subject noun, but as the third person. It is rarely found (whether it's not accepted) the use of sentence (3) in a condition when Kevin talked to Ahmed directly.
This post is purely my own, if I had some mistakes please comment below as I'm on my way of learning.
But still, I hope it's useful.
Thank you.